Saturday, August 27, 2011

Tool # 8

The Ipods will be extremely useful to offer practice on individual skills that the student needs in math and it can be set up as a workstation in the classroom. The Ipads that the classroom will receive can be used for multiple things. Specifically, I think they are best used for research when the students are working on a project or a menu choice. In small groups, they can be used to take notes, or create a document or contribute to a shared document when solving a math problem or exploring a science concept.
Our grade level is trying to make the students more of an integral part of designing and reflecting on the learning in our classes. We are working towards developing a set of classroom jobs to record and video/take pictures of various learning experiences each week and having students apply for the various job positions and rotating through these as the year progresses. This is a process!!!
We will have an assigned spot or home for the devices and signin/signout sheets to keep up with them.
The classroom jobs will include someone making sure they inventory the devices at the end of the school day as well as someone to make sure they are charged up overnight.
When the devices are assigned to a particular workstation or team for a project, then one of the small group jobs will be to get the devices and be in charge of them during their use and returning them and signing them back into the right place.

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