Saturday, August 27, 2011

Tool # 11

1. What are your favorite tools you now have in your personal technology toolbox? Briefly describe a particular activity that you will plan for your students using at least one of these new tools.
Well, the first thing was that I actually created a blog and set up everything on that.
That was a great foundation piece. Although it may not be the best "tool" for the students it gave me a place to practice the new web tools and to research what other professionals were doing. So using my blog with my class and parents will be the next step.
As to the other tools, I enjoyed them all. I need to go back and look at tools I didn't have time to explore and work with before due to time constraints.

2. How have you transformed your thinking about the learning that will take place in your classroom? How has your vision for your classroom changed? Are you going to need to make any changes to your classroom to accommodate the 21st Century learner?
This is a definite YES! I am rethinking everything I do this year. I look at a activity or idea I used before and look at it through the lens of 11 Tools/Tech Devices/21st Century Learners. Even a beginning of the year assignment when students share something about themselves so that I can get to know them took new form. I gave the students options on this assignment that included Animotos, Wordles, slideshows (similar to Powerpoint),
as well as the old standby choices and I renamed it "Share and Show." This will develop later into an activity where the class shares new apps or tricks in doing an imovie, or video, etc. as we become "resident experts."
I am also revising how my workstation jobs and assignments will look as well. Even the classroom jobs are in a state of flux. I am rethinking what they should look like as well as the steps needed to teach/train the students to take more responsibility for their learning.

3. Were there any unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
Yes, there were some kinks along the way. Sometimes things were hard to make work the way I wanted and I found that it was easier to ask another 21st century 11 Tools  learner (a coworker) to help me with the specifics ie. imbedding a video.
I followed the directions on the SBISD page for 11 Tools over a 10 day period and they never worked for me. Finally, a preK teacher showed me another way entirely in a 5 minute period and the relief was evident! It was very frustrating there for a bit.
The 11 Tools was a "process" and fortunately, our librarian had shared that with us before we embarked upon the journey and all along the path.
The teambuilding and PLN our faculty had on this journey was phenomenal and a true benefit. We are so excited about the devices that are coming and the foundation that the SBISD district has set up with this course, with the time we spent with Alan November, and the professional discussions that continue. Having access to 11 Tools to go back and delve deeper as well as the Atomic learning lessons will be invaluable.

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